Monday, 27 January 2014

How To Fight Your Fear Of Child Birth

The word childbirth has so many emotions hidden in it, a happy, excited, anxiety, thrill and fear emotion too. Sadly, many of us have grown up hearing old grannies talk horrid stories on their experiences during childbirth. Some of them have been so horrid that their memories have stuck deep in our heads and now these stories have come alive as we are on the same pavement.

It is always noted, women who have an irrational fear surrounding child birth tend to go through unnecessary predicaments. It’s all in the mind that it. Talk about your fear to a sensible person or your mother or your friend who has already gone through labor. Talking about your fear is the best way to deal as well as overcome it.

Many a times we confuse our true fears, may be its more a fear of becoming a parent more on a mother that causes more anxiety and we assume it’s the fear of childbirth. First de-clutter your head and calmly think what is truly bothering you the pain of labor or the fear of handling a baby. If you actually rationalize you will realize you were stressed more with handling the baby than labor. Its ok happens to everyone, but there is nothing to fear. Book stores are loaded with brilliant books on parenting as well as baby handling. Also, thanks to the internet and many websites that give you first hand information on how to deal with all your fears.

Now we come back to child birth and if all your concerns are only surrounding labor pains and labor discomfort, the best thing for you to do is speak to your gynecologist, they will help you overcome this fear. There are various options now available to reduce your discomfit during labor. You can consult your doctor and choose the appropriate procedure for you. Epidurals, intravenous sedation as well as regional anaesthesia are some of the most popular options to reduce the pain.

Once you know what is in store for you, it is defiantly easier to handle, speak out your fears and you will be free from your fear. Once you hold your baby, everything will be a bygone all you will think of is the unconditional love and blessing you have received in the form of the baby.

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